Blue Cheese & Aviation American Gin-braised Onion Pizza with Fresh Rosemary


One - 255g / 9 oz. Pizza Dough Ball

85g / 3 oz. – Blue Cheese, crumbled

2 cups – Onion, sliced thinly

1 oz. – Aviation American Gin

2 sprigs – fresh Rosemary

½ - 1 cup - Flour for dusting the peel and coating the Pizza Dough

Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Pizza Peel (Wooden)

Pastry Brush

Round Pizza Turner or Spatula

Metal Pizza Peel (Optional)

Rolling Pin (Optional)

1 Medium Sized Pot


One 10” to 12” pizza


Step 1. Make onions ahead of time. Take onions and Aviation American Gin and cook on low heat in a medium sized pot. Cook until onions are tender.

Step 2. Preheat the Pizza Oven Box for 15 to 20 minutes.

Step 3. Before you begin dust the Pizza Peel (Wooden) with flour.

Step 4. Coat pizza dough with flour on both sides and brush off the excess.

Step 5. Hand-stretch or use a Rolling Pin to roll the pizza dough into a 10-inch to 12-inch disk.

Step 6. Place your stretched pizza dough onto the Pizza Peel (Wooden) and then rub a small amount of Extra Virgin Olive oil over the edge of the crust for even browning.

Step 7. With the pastry brush, dip it in olive oil and spread evenly around the pizza.

Step 8. Add the blue cheese, Aviation American Gin-braised onions, and fresh rosemary to the pizza.

Step 9. Launch your pizza into your Pizza Oven Box and cook for 1 minute, then Rotate 1/4 to 1/3 turn.

Step 10. Rotate your pizza using a 1/4 to 1/3 turn every 30 to 45 seconds to evenly brown your pizza (approximately 2 1/2 to 4 min)

Step 11. Remove the pizza with the Metal Pizza Peel and enjoy!